Monday, March 23, 2009

What Is Sarah Palin Doing To Wolves?

Have you heard the latest news? What is the deal with Sarah Palin and wolves?

Just last week, 84 wolves were killed by means of aerial hunting, AND now, Governor Palin is "gunning" for the ability to drop poison gas into the wolf dens where wolf pups live. In fact, Palin’s Board of Game has already approved the use of poison gas and deadly snares to kill defenseless wolf pups and their families in and around their dens.

Why the hatred, Sarah Palin?

It is time for us to come forward in a big way. For the first time ever, I am asking everyone reading this who cares about wolves to pick up the telephone and call Governor Palin's Office to express your objections to her slaughter of wolves. Obviously, Sarah Palin does not have her direct line posted on her website; however, she does have a Communications Director by the name of Bill McAllister, and he can be reached by phone at 907-269-7450.

Then, I want you to send Governor Palin an email.

Finally, I would like to see you print off your email in letter form and then fax it to 907-269-7461. Her website does indicate that fax communications are preferred so don't pass up the opportunity to give her what she wants.

And one last thing, please support Defenders of Wildlife as they need the funds to run their most recent ad concerning wolf pups so that people can be informed concerning Sarah Palin's true nature. Defenders of Wildlife is also in need of funds for continued legal proceedings being handled by Earthjustice on behalf of wolves everywhere.

Please also feel free to print off the Defenders of Wildlife ad and post everywhere you can.

The presidential race is over; however, the race to save wolves is ON! We all need to take a collective deep breath and reaffirm our commitment to see the wolves and their pups running wild and free - - and safe under protections of the Endangered Species Act.

Please do all that you can and do it today and everyday to Save The Wolves Now!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Wolves Threatened Again

Last Friday, March 6, 2009, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service stated its intention to move ahead with the Bush Administration's anti-predator plan. Translation: Removal of wolves from the Endangered Species Act which would effectively take away protections from gray wolves in the northern Rocky Mountains and upper Midwest.

Wolves in the above regions still have yet to recover from the last onslaught and greatly need protections under the Endangered Species Act.

Idaho and Montana will likely begin the killing of wolves as soon as they are permitted, and this could mean certain death to approximately 1,000 wolves who now make Greater Yellowstone - Glacier National Park area their home. No thanks to state-sponsored wolf hunts.

When wolves were removed from the Endangered Species Act for just four months in 2008, 110 wolves lost their lives, one of which was the famous Limpy.

Please take action to Save The Wolves Now!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Obama / Salazar Effort to Destroy Wolves

President Obama's hands are not free of blood, either. Of course, now that the campaigning is over, and Barack Obama has gotten what he wanted, he is showing his true colors. I am not surprised. I realize that there were many readers of this blog who thought that I was bashing Palin because I was an Obama supporter, but stick around and read a while back, and you will find that I was not happy with any of our choices on Election Day.

Interior Secretary, Ken Salazar, approved the Bush Administration’s plan to eliminate Endangered Species Act protections for wolves in Idaho and Montana. Then, the Obama Administration reaffirmed the deadly Bush-era delisting plan, and another round of wolf killing could begin in just weeks.

Interior Secretary Ken Salazar announced that he intends to follow the path of the Bush Administration and delist wolves in the Northern Rockies and Greater Yellowstone region. Just six weeks into the Obama Administration, the slaughter of wolves is reaffirmed and continued. This delisting paves the way for almost 1000 wolves to be killed under deadly state management plans in Idaho and Montana. The killing could begin in just weeks.

Please make an emergency donation now to support our Northern Rockies and Greater Yellowstone Wolf Legal Defense Fund. The removal of wolves from the Endangered Species Act leaves wolves at the mercy of state governments, and we already know how they feel about the wolves. They wish to slaughter nearly 1,000 wolves as soon as possible. Just last year, in 2008, when federal wolf protections were temporarily lifted in that region of the country, in excess of 100 wolves were killed very quickly -- including the world renowned "Limpy" of theDruid Peak Pack.

Worse still, regular wolf hunting seasons could begin as early as this fall in Idaho and Montana -- and Idaho Governor “Butch” Otter has restated that he still wants the first available hunting tag to shoot a wolf himself! What are we going to do? We simply cannot stand by and watch as this out-of-control killing of wolves goes on.

For over 35 years, Defenders of Wildlife has fought for protection of wolves. Defenders of Wildlife was there when the first of the wolves were reintroduced into Yellowstone National Park, and they have been there to defend them every day since.

The delisting of wolves could lead to the deaths of more than 1,000 wolves -- including wolves in the western Greater Yellowstone ecosystem!

Please call the US Fish and Wildlife Service at 1-800-344-9453 (between 8:00 AM and 8:00 PM Eastern Time, Monday-Friday), select option “3” (for endangered species) and hit “0” to speak with the operator. Once you are connected, please let them know of your extreme disappointment in Interior Secretary Salazar’s decision to implement the Bush Administration’s flawed plan to eliminate Endangered Species Act protections for wolves in Idaho and Montana.

If wolf protections are lifted, nearly two-thirds of the wolves in the Northern Rockies could be killed almost immediately. Please strongly urge Secretary Salazar to stop the implementation of this awful decision and to reconsider his approach to wolf conservation in the Northern Rockies.

We need to make our voices heard! Secretary Salazar and the Obama Administration need to know how strongly we Americans feel about the support and protection of our wolves. Please contact President Obama, and please use every form of communication available in doing so in an effort to let your voice be heard concerning wolf protections.

Salazar’s wolf proposal could appear in the Federal Register within the month, paving the way for the slaughter of wolves this spring. Please call the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service today at 1-800-344-9453, and let federal officials know that you oppose the elimination of federal protections for our wolves.

Please donate to the Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund as they are preparing for a legal challenge to Salazar’s decision.

Wolves are dying at the hands of unconscionable humans with skewed agendas. Our wolves cannot speak for themselves, and they do not know nor do they understand what is happening to them. We must speak for them to Save The Wolves Now!